At Valley Patrol, we certainly pride ourselves on being a top-notch security company that stands out from the rest in Coachella Valley. Our transparent management, unique operations, and thorough training programs set us apart from the competition. We are committed to being responsive to our clients, their guests, and residents. This article gives you information on Echo911 Communication Center.
To ensure exceptional responsiveness, communication is crucial. We have partnered with Echo911, a leader in emergency communications and also dispatch services. This partnership allows us to offer exceptional service to clients in Indio, Palm Desert, and the Coachella Valley.
At every location served by Valley Patrol, we make it a priority to provide residents, patrons, and clients with our contact information for emergencies. Our direct phone number, 760-565-2264, connects callers to the Echo Dispatch Center, where officers receive 24/7 radio dispatch.
When officers are off duty, we route urgent calls to 911 and hold non-priority calls until they return. This ensures our clients remain well-served, even when our officers are unavailable.
The Echo911 Communications Center is not merely a temporary employee at a desk. A team of state-certified communications officers (dispatchers) provides the same quality service you would expect from a municipal 911 center. Dispatchers monitor officers’ GPS and conduct regular status checks to ensure operations run smoothly. They can dispatch additional security officers, supervisors, and emergency services when needed.
Valley Patrol partners with Echo911 to ensure effective communication and provide top-tier security services for Coachella Valley clients. With Valley Patrol and Echo911 together, clients enjoy top-notch security and communication services for peace of mind.
So, if you’re looking for the best security services in Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, Sky Valley, and throughout Coachella Valley, choose Valley Patrol. Our collaboration with Echo911 ensures that we can provide the responsiveness and professionalism that you deserve. Contact us to know more about our Echo911 Communication Center.